# 前言
# 概览
包名 | 样例 | 组成成分 | 特征 |
github.com/rs/xid | 9m4e2mr0ui3e8a215n4g | 4 bytes of time (seconds) + 3 byte machine id + 2 byte process id + 3 bytes random | 免配置,可排序 |
github.com/segmentio/ksuid | 0ujsswThIGTUYm2K8FjOOfXtY1K | 4 bytes of time (seconds) + 16 random bytes | 免配置,可排序 |
github.com/sony/sonyflake | 20f8707d6000108 | ~5 bytes of time (10 ms) + 1 byte sequence + 2 bytes machine id | 需要机器/DC 配置,需要中央服务器,可排序 |
github.com/google/uuid | 5b52d72c-82b3-4f8e-beb5-437a974842c | 16 bytes | 免配置,不可排序 |
github.com/kjk/betterguid | -Kmdih_fs4ZZccpx2Hl1 | 8 bytes of time (milliseconds) + 9 random bytes | 免配置,可排序 |
# 附